Update June 2022

The Submission Version (14) of the Plan is now available on the following pages.  It sets out policies on planning matters across the Parish, which have been developed through informal consultation during the past four years.  The Plan has undergone the first formal consultation (Reg 14) and comments have been incorporated into the document.  Th actual comments received and the Steering Group’s responses are contained in the Consultation Statement.

The Plan and its supporting documents will be submitted to Stratford-on-Avon District Council in early July 2022.  Once a further consultation, managed by the District Council, has been completed, the Plan will be passed to a Planning Inspector for approval.  The final stage is a referendum of all residents in the Parish before the Plan is finally approved. Once the Plan is approved, the District Council have a statutory obligation to consult the Plan when considering planning applications within the Parish.  It is, therefore, crucial that you participate the referendum once it is called.

Update October 2021

We are making progress. Stratford District Council will let us know within a few weeks whether the Plan requires a Strategic Environmental Assessment (it is likely that it will not). We will then move on to the next stage when we consult you, businesses, and other interested parties.

The consultation will be your opportunity to comment on the Plan before it is formally submitted to Stratford District Council. We have yet to finalise the plans for the consultation but it will involve an online survey complemented by public meetings in each of the village halls. The consultation will take place early in the new year.

Meanwhile you can view the latest draft of the Plan here

Update July 2021

Stratford District Council (SDC) has undertaken an informal review of our Plan over the last two months. Their comments and observations have been extremely helpful and we are incorporating them into the document.

The Plan will not be recommending any sites for possible development because residents did not give the Steering Committee the authority to do so.

However, the District Council's proposed Reserve Housing Allocation sites in Tredington and Newbold remain in place as part of the developing Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). We had hoped that two of the proposed sites would be designated as Local Green Spaces, but they do not meet the strict definition criteria. Of importance, is that the Plan is recommending a Built Up Area Boundary for Newbold and Tredington; the first time that such a limit on development will be put in place.

Once the Plan is amended, the new version will be placed on the web site.

A further review by SDC will be undertaken before the Formal Consultation phase, which will involve several public meetings. More information to follow.

Update April 2021

The completed draft Plan has been sent to Stratford-on-Avon District Council who have kindly offered to carry out an informal review of the entire plan.

We don’t know how long this will take but meanwhile we are preparing the formal consultation process under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. This will obviously include public meetings for residents as well as interested parties such as utilities, the County Council, Severn Trent Water, BT and others, all of whom must be consulted.

The Plan document has many photos, maps and charts and is obviously large. We will have it available to be viewed on the website as soon as certain technical issues have been resolved. Hard copies will be available at the appropriate time.
We hope you will study the plan and be ready to give your views.

Update March 2021

Thank you very much to the 281 residents who completed the recent questionnaire, 273 online 8 via hard copy.  By the time you read this the responses will have been collated and analysed and the draft Plan will be near completion. Meanwhile the website has been updated and some additional information added.  As soon as we are ready to move to the next stage in the process we will keep you fully informed.

Update January 2021

Please read and action.

The last time we asked for your views on the Neighbourhood Plan was in November 2019. Assessments on Local Green Spaces and possible Development Sites have been completed and these can be viewed at www.TredingtonNP.co.uk. The Plan itself is almost complete. We need to ask you about parts of the Plan so we can finish the job.

Please go to the questionnaire. If you can, please complete it on line. It asks for your Post Code only.

Update December 2020

Work on the Neighbourhood Plan continues, although progress is severely constrained by the current Covid restrictions.  Consultants are preparing the final versions of their reports on Local Green Spaces and Potential Development Sites. While the reports generally agree with the Neighbourhood Plan Group’s position, we need to talk to the District Council planners to try to resolve differences where they occur. 

Update November 2020

Following the recommendations of our independent planning consultants, and the clearly expressed views of residents, the Clerk to Tredington Parish Council has written to the landowners of sites that the Neighbourhood Plan group considers appropriate to be designated as Local Green Spaces. The landowners have been invited to respond within 21 days.

Local Green Spaces must be approved by both the Independent Examiner, the District Council and, of course, residents who will be consulted further when circumstances permit.